
Homeowners confront Wells Fargo over foreclosures

Homeowners confront Wells Fargo over foreclosures

Following a series of such protests at its branches in Richmond and Oakland in recent weeks, Wells Fargo last week invited more than 8,500 of its mortgage clients to a workshop the bank said was meant to help borrowers keep their homes.

Tanya Dennis, one of the residents that protested at Wells Fargo’s branch in Oakland’s Fruitvale area last week, said community organizers had realized that banks were less likely to sell the foreclosed homes if the residents had community support.

“The banks do not listen to you as an individual, but as a group, you’re powerful and I am living proof of that,” Dennis said. Dennis’ home was foreclosed on upon in 2010, but she was able to keep her home  after she refused to move out and negotiated with the bank, she said.

Read the rest of the story and see the video by Tawanda Kanhema at Oakland North.

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